Section 2 preparation for a crime, criminal attempt and discontinuation 第二节犯罪的预备、未遂和中止
In this section, I show a variety of approaches to build on such a foundation to provide more comprehensive analysis in preparation for any aspect of systems optimization. 本节将展示构建此类基础的各种方法,以提供更加全面的分析,为系统优化的各个方面做好准备。
Check the mower according to the section "Preparation before use". 参考“使用前的说明”章节检查割草机。
This section contains exams from previous offerings of the course, which are provided to students as preparation aids for the final exam. 本章节包含本课程前几期的测验内容,以提供学生准备期末测验一些帮助。
Include the specific time and venue for each concerned section and ways of preparation. 盘点前要提前一周发出备忘录给相关部门,包括时间,地点,相关区域,路线。
In the first section of this paper, the preparation of Au-Ag geological standard samples in our country and in the world was summarized. 第一部分汇总了我国和世界金银地质标样的研制情况,只有少数样品的金银含量有了审定值。
Section 2: This section mainly introduces the sol-gel chemistry, the typical method of preparing sol-gel capillary column and the main influence factors in the preparation of the sol-gel capillary column. 第二章节对溶胶-凝胶化学过程作了简要叙述,讨论了毛细管柱材料的内表面结构,着重介绍溶胶凝胶制柱的原理、步骤,并探讨了该制柱过程可能的影响因素。
Secondly, in the chapter of data pre-processing, the filter processing of noise section and 2D data interpolation of adjacent data body were discussed, which made preparation for the essential data processing. 在数据预处理一章中,着重讨论了滤波处理和二维插值,通过对干扰数据断面的滤波和相邻数据体的二维插值后,为进一步处理作好准备。
Thin section preparation for loose rock and soil materials using epoxy resin 利用环氧树脂制备松散岩石及土壤薄片的方法
Bauxite homogenizing storage is an important section in material preparation area at the aluminium refinery. The span of the storage is 44 meters with a total length of 306 meters. 铝矿均化库是平果铝业公司氧化铝厂原料准备区的重要工段之一,跨度44m,全长306m。
In the first section we introduce the research results of Sun et al which studied the atom-photon entanglement preparation and distribution, and analyzed the role of the classical external field on atom-photon entanglement in cavity QED system. 首先回顾Sun等人的研究工作,关于原子光子间纠缠的生成及其分布,其中突出强调经典外场驱动对QED腔中原子光子间产生纠缠的影响。
In this section, the NMS particles preparation method is force hydrolysis method and the surfactants are sodium oleic acid, DBS and stearic acid respectively. 其中纳米Fe2O3粒子的制备方法选用强迫水解法,表面活性剂分别选用油酸钠,十二烷基苯磺酸钠和硬脂酸。
Section Model Test Research in Saddles of Zhangzhou War Preparation Bridge 漳州战备大桥主塔鞍座处节段模型试验研究
As to amylase, caecum sections of amylase activation most low, duodenum one takes second place, the jejunum section is the highest; diet add enzyme preparation duodenum section, jejunum sections of amylase activation of group than contrast group have the tendency to increase. 对于淀粉酶,盲肠段淀粉酶活性最低,十二指肠段次之,空肠段最高;添加酶制剂组的十二指肠段、空肠段淀粉酶活性比对照组有增高趋势。
From the fourth section the whole group process from preparation, planning, implementation to assessment is detailed. 第四部分详细介绍了小组从准备到策划、实施、评估的全过程。
At the meantime, the purpose and significance of the use of photonic crystal in regulating upconversion luminescence were described. The experimental section describes the preparation methods of opal and inverse opal. Meanwhile, the examining method for the upconversion luminescent properties of inverse opal was described. 同时对实验部分进行了描述,主要介绍了蛋白石及反蛋白石光子晶体的制备方法,以及对反蛋白石光子晶体上转换发光的各种表征手段进行了叙述。
Section 1 of this chapter subject preparation: feasibility analysis. 本章第一节课题准备:可行性分析。
This section is the theoretical basis for research and preparation. 此部分是进行研究的理论基础和准备。
The third section is data pre-processing, which is the preparation procedure before applying Analytic Hierarchy Process. 第三部分是数据预处理,也是为应用层次分析法做前期准备工作。
Later, when prosecuted, they should actively respond to Section 337 Investigation, doing full preparation for responding, reasonably choosing responding strategy, allying others to respond, and seeking appropriate time to settle the case. 当被起诉时,中国企业应该积极应诉:充分做好应诉的准备工作,合理选择应诉策略,联合其它企业应诉,寻找合适的和解时间。